Girls gone wild nude

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By the end of 2002, the company had produced 83 different titles and had begun airing 30-minute infomercials on E! Entertainment Television, Fox Sports Net, BET, Comedy Central, Tech TV, Style, and all other major U.S. In 2001 the company sold 4.5 million videos and DVDs. The first Girls Gone Wild film was released in 1997. In 2014, the company was sold to Bang Bros. In February 2013, the company filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. Since 2008, the Girls Gone Wild products have been sold primarily through their website as streaming videos, downloads, and DVDs. The videos typically involve camera crews at party locations engaging young college-aged women who expose their bodies or act 'wild', especially during Spring break. Girls Gone Wild was known for its early use of direct-response marketing techniques, including its late-night infomercials that began airing in 1997.

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Girls Gone Wild ( GGW) was an adult entertainment franchise created by Joe Francis in 1997, who occasionally appears as the host of the videos. Adult entertainment franchise Girls Gone Wild

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